Distrigas Suez, the longstanding corporate neighbor offered a $25,000 donation to help keep the City’s Youth Summer Job Program in place. The Mayor is also incorporating a $50,000 line item in the 2013 City Budget to help employ teens over the summer.
“We’re thrilled to have a great corporate neighbor in Distrigas,” said Mayor DeMaria, “I cannot thank them enough for their commitment to the city and in helping our teens over the last 2 years. Thankfully we can help some teens get a great learning experience.”
“Distrigas is proud to support the Summer Jobs Program that not only employs so many of the City’s youth, but provides them with many of the skills necessary to obtain permanent employment later,” notes Carol Churchill, “at the same time, all Everett residents benefit from the community improvement projects that the youth undertake. It’s definitely a ‘win’ for everyone involved.”
“Last year, we hired over 40 teens,” adds Mayor DeMaria, “if we can do the same this year, it will be a big help for those teens going off to college – help pay for books or expenses, or give some additional job experience for those entering the workforce, a chance to put the City of Everett on their resume.”
The Mayor and the Human Resources Department are working the final details of the Summer Jobs program. Youth interested in working for the City can pickup applications at the Human Resources Department, 3rd Floor, City Hall.