Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. applauds the work of the City Council in approving the 2012 residential and commercial tax rate. At a Joint Convention of the City Council and Board of Aldermen, William Hart, Chairman of the Board of Assessors presented the City’s legislature with the 2012 residential rate of $15.52 per thousand, and a commercial rate of $41.66 per thousand. Both rates are decreases from the previous year. Currently the tax rate is $15.89 per thousand for residential and $43.74 per thousand for commercial payers.
“We are continually working to decrease our levy, while raising the value of our city,” states Mayor DeMaria, “with our work from last year, including a mid year cut, and significant reductions in the city budget, we’re working to keep property taxes stable, with a goal of reducing rates across the board over the next two years.”
DeMaria has pledged to stem fixed increases in the budget such as health care and pension costs. While pension reform is still working its way through the State House, the City is working to decrease health care costs over the coming year, negotiating with the City’s unions and redesigning plans. At the same time, the Mayor is working to increase the value of the city, working with the State to bring more commercial development to Everett, in an effort to decrease the commercial rate.
“We’re working with the State Office of Economic Development to bring positive, job creating and revenue building development to Everett,” offers Mayor DeMaria, “commercial, light manufacturing, or research facilities will bring the revenue we need to help reduce the commercial rate, it’s a major priority for this administration over the next two years.”
During the subsequent special City Council regular Board of Aldermen meetings, both branches also accepted the Mayor’s 20% residential exemption proposal. The exemption offers property owners who live in their homes an extra incentive to decrease their tax obligation to the city.
“People who live in their homes, take care of their homes and are active in our community deserve a break,” notes Mayor DeMaria, “this exemption helps those families and keeps those families here in Everett.”