Everett Public Schools will open for students in their freshman year in High School and all Kindergarten through Grade Eight students on Tuesday, August 30 according to Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire. Schools will open a day earlier for teachers on Monday, August 29.
“We are asking High School Freshmen only to report to the new High School by 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, August 30 to find their home rooms and walk through Tuesday’s school schedule. They will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. on their first day” Superintendent Foresteire said. “We have found that this is the best way to orient students who are experiencing this new school environment.”
Everett High School sophomore, junior and senior students are asked to report for their first day of school on Wednesday, August 31 by 7:45 a.m. for a normal school day, with dismissal at the usual time of 2:15pm.
All Kindergarten through Grade Eight students should report on Tuesday, August 30 at 7:4 a.m. Guidance Counselors and Adjustment Counselors have been assigned for each school to help with questions or any problems parents may have, according to Superintendent Foresteire. They are as follows:
Madeline English School: 617-394-5013
Judith Harrington, Extension 6831
Laurie Catoggio, Extension 6630
Nathaniel Deknatel (Social Worker), Extension 1066
George Keverian School: 617-394-5020
Robin Brickley, Extension 6831
Eric Piazza, Extension 1005
Caitlin Ahern (Social Worker), Extension 6830
Lafayette School: 617-3942430 or 617-394-2450
Kathleen McCormick, Extension 6532
Robert Constantine, Extension 6530
Kelly Powers (Social Worker), Extension 1068
Albert N. Parlin School: 617-394-2480
Megan Smith, Extension 6370
Maria Forziati-Keefe, Extension 6330
Marissa Botta (Social Worker), Extension 6330
Sumner G. Whittier School: 617-394-2410
Diane Crampton, Extension 6430
Angela Grace-Blais Lepore (Social Worker), Extension 6431
Webster School: 617-394-5040
Jessica Redler, Extension 630
“Guidance Counselors and Adjustment Counselors have also been assigned for the 2011-2012 school year at the High School” Mr. Foresteire said. They are as follows:
Everett High School: 617-394-2492
Kelly Buonpane, Extension 1704
George Lombard, Extension 1701
Margaret Newell, Extension 1705
Casey O’Donnell, Extension 1708
Mike Engle, Extension 1710
Carolyn Troy (Social Worker), Extension 1703
Thanks to the efforts of the Everett School Committee, whose negotiations changed the teacher contracts, and with the cooperation of the Everett Teachers Union, students going to school in Everett will spend more time at their desks than many other cities or towns in the state. As a result, Everett Public Schools’ first day of classes occurs at the end of August before the Labor Day holiday.
“Our faculty has agreed to work a school year of 189 days, with 186 days for students, instead of the state-required minimum of 180 days” Superintendent Foresteire said. “We adopted this lengthened school schedule for one primary purpose; to maximize time for instruction on the MCAS tests with Kindergarten through Grade 12 students here in Everett” Mr. Foresteire said.
“The extra days have paid off” Superintendent Foresteire said, adding that scores on the MCAS tests in Everett, for which a passing grade is required by the state to graduate from High School in Massachusetts, have been at all level of 92% or higher in the past four years.
“Everett Public School students have MCAS scores that are high in comparison with other urban school systems, and right up there with scores achieved in many of the more affluent suburbs” Mr. Foresteire said.
This comes at a time when the school student population in Everett is growing at a rate no city official anticipated, and this fall is no exception.
Over the last five years, the Everett student population has risen by 17%. However, 50% of that increase has been made up of students with little or no English, requiring additional special teachers and additional special teaching methods.
According to Superintendent Foresteire, more than 6,300 students are expected to enroll for the first day of classes.
Unfortunately, this unusual rise in student numbers comes at a time when federal, state, and city budgets are already strained. The present fiscal crisis and the downturn in federal and state funding were not expected and many state and federal grants for education have disappeared.
The Superintendent pointed out that Everett receives funds from the state’s Chapter 70 provision that amounts to approximately 65% of the school budget this school year; however Everett itself funds its schools at only the minimum level required by state law.
“It is unrealistic to expect that Everett will be able to experience such high increases in our student population as a result of our city officials’ efforts to bring growth to the city, and still fund our public schools at the bare minimum” Mr. Foresteire said.
“City officials will have to understand that if they continue to push for unlimited growth here, they must also plan to budget for the unavoidable impact that this policy has on our public schools” the Superintendent said.
“Just to be in compliance with state laws, the city will have to find some way to pay for educating all these new children, who come from all these new families, who are living in all these new multi-family units….for years to come. If they have a legal Everett street address, these children cannot be turned away” Mr. Foresteire emphasized.
To make matters more complicated, this year is of particular importance to the High School because it will go through the accreditation process by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges that occurs every ten years.
“This is the year that the high school must work hard to achieve a level of excellence in education in order to keep its accreditation” Superintendent Foresteire explained. “This is a process that insures that certain criteria in education are being met by school districts across the nation. Accreditation has a tremendous bearing on graduating high school seniors because it influences the availability of scholarships, scholastic awards and even college acceptances.”
Concerned that Everett has a “residential overcrowding” issue that needs to be dealt with now, it has been reported that a group of city council members are also concerned, and are considering a one-year ban on the issuance of any building permits for housing developments in the city. The measure, being co-sponsored by five aldermen and two common council members, is to “address the impact that residential overcrowding is already having on strained city services, including school-related services”.
As other school districts are desperately cutting programs to balance their school budgets and charging fees for all sports and other extra-curricular activities, the Everett Public Schools programs are not only fully staffed and equipped, they are also fully funded.
“That is due in great part to the hard work over many hours by our School Committee” Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire said.
“Thanks to the foresight and diligence of the School Committee, Everett is in an enviable position, compared to may surrounding cities and towns experiencing increased enrollment” said Mr. Foresteire.
“Ten years ago, we anticipated an increased student enrollment at this time. We planned for and built four new public schools, including the new High School, and we renovated the Parlin, Webster, Adams, and Whittier schools specifically to handle extra students” Superintendent Foresteire said.
Still, the programs that enrich students’ lives are being offered to Everett students without any expense passed on to parents. All sports programs, drama, art, music, and other programs have been “examined and reexamined by our School Committee members over many late night hours so that we are able to maintain or even reduce costs and as a result, these programs continue to be available to our students” Mr. Foresteire said.
On Monday, August 29th all Everett Public Schools will be in top shape and ready for teachers and students, according to School Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire.
“We are opening this fall with all our schools scrubbed and sparkling” Superintendent Foresteire said.
“On Monday, August 29th the teachers return one day in advance of student entry to get their classrooms organized and ready for students. Now their classrooms will be ready for them, thanks to the work done over the summer by our custodians, headed by Mrs. Lona DeFeo, Head of Maintenance” Superintendent Foresteire said.
Last year, technology was installed at the Parlin School to bring the school up to the standards of the other schools, lighting in the classrooms was upgraded and landscaping around the building was completed, according to Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire.
This year, the Parlin School had new windows and doors installed, new bathroom fixtures and plumbing installed, and the school’s heating and air conditioning systems were replaced.
Even the school’s Science laboratories have been revamped with the financial help of Mr. Joseph O’Donnell, said Mr. Foresteire. “Science is a new category that has been added recently to the MCAS tests, so having the latest teaching tools and equipment to teach Science at this level in every school is extremely important” said Foresteire. “Now students must have a passing grade in the Science category as well to graduate.”
Students who are struggling in school should consider remaining after school to receive extra help in that subject, no matter what their grade level, said Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire.
“Teachers are instructed to remain after school to help students who are having difficulty with their studies” Superintendent Foresteire said. “If your child needs assistance, all he or she needs to do is ask for help.”
A schedule for the type of assistance needed will be established based on the student’s grade and the subject area in each school. Day-to-day work will be evaluated, and when the student is judged able to handle the work load again, the assistance will end.
The popular after-school program “For Kids Only” is available again this year for Everett public school students whose ages are five through fourteen and who attend Grades One through Eight.
This program is offered at each public school (except the High School) from dismissal time at 2:15pm until 6:00pm Mondays through Fridays when school is in session. It is designed to offer students enriching experiences beyond the regular school day, and is a great way for students to extend their learning in a safe, monitored environment.
For more information, parents should contact the “For Kids Only” District Director at the George Keverian School (617-394-5020) from 10:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. Parents may also contact their child’s school and ask to speak to the “For Kids Only” coordinator.
“Two programs will be available to help the transition to high school for incoming Freshmen students this year, said Superintendent Foresteire. First is the highly successful Advisory Program. Each freshman student will be assigned to a faculty member who will help personalize the student’s high school journey. By establishing this four year relationship, the student will be able to experience a curriculum that cultivates not only academic but also social and interpersonal relationships. The Advisory curriculum has a unique focus for each class. As the student moves through his or her high school years, the assigned faculty member will help the student manage issues unique to his or her age level.
A new program this year to help in the transition for the incoming Freshman is the Student Ambassador Program. Approximately sixty upperclassmen will participate in this program. They will be trained and available throughout the school day to help transition freshmen students. They will be identified by their red T-shirts with gold lettering. They will be available to talk with the freshmen about school issues, sports, clubs, and any problems of acclimation to the building that the students may encounter.
“ The goal of these programs is to make the transition from K-8 schools as smooth as possible for your child. This will enable your child to overcome the anxiety of transition and to foster a sense of independence in a safe, nurturing learning environment,” said Superintendent Foresteire.
Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire would like to remind parents who live in Everett and have children who have turned three and four years old that they should register their children for the Everett Public Schools Pre School Program no later than Tuesday, August 30th, 2011.
“This is a very popular program” Superintendent Foresteire said, “and any parent who delays registering an eligible child may face a long waiting list for acceptance.”
The number of three-year-old children that will be accepted to the Pre School Program will depend on the space available after all the eligible four-year-olds who have been registered by August 30th are assigned to schools.
The Pre School Program will be offered at two schools this year, the Webster School at 30 Dartmouth Street and the Adams School at 78 Tileston Street, which was reopened last year due to the unprecedented demand for this education program. The first day of classes will be on Thursday, September 15 for those children who are registered.
“This is a great example of how hard our School Committee works to distribute our scarce resources to cover this specialized program again this school year” Superintendent Foresteire said. “When the fact that Everett’s cost per pupil continues to be the lowest of the surrounding cities and towns is considered, parents are able to appreciate the value of our hard-working School Committee” Mr. Foresteire added.
Parents with a legal street address in Everett with children who have turned three or four years old by August 30, 2011, and who wish to register their children for the Everett Public Schools Pre School Program, should call the
Parent Information Center at 617-394-2490 Extension 1613 before August 30.
Everett Public Schools will again offer a full-day Kindergarten program free of charge to children of parents who live in Everett.
The first day of Kindergarten will be Wednesday, August 31, 2011. Children must be registered before the start of school to be able to attend classes.
Enrollment in the education program has increased over the last few years and Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire predicted that about four hundred students and seventy students would register to attend the fall 2011 Kindergarten sessions.
“In other school districts, parents are being charged fees ranging from $2,550 to $3,500 a year for one child to attend Kindergarten” Superintendent Foresteire said. “That we are able to offer this program and not charge parents a fee here in Everett is due in great part to the work of our School Committee.”
Freshman students in Everett High School will attend their orientation on Tuesday, August 30th and should report to the high school no later than 7:45 am that day. Dismissal will be at 2:00 p.m.
Students will be given their homeroom assignments and informed of the many clubs and extra-curricular activities available to them. They will also be given instructions about the coming school year and will walk through an abbreviated version of their Tuesday classroom schedule to familiarize themselves with their program and the location of classrooms.
“The freshman orientation is held a day ahead of actual classes to bring these students into a new learning environment more efficiently” said Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire. “Also we want to maximize their
classroom time to concentrate on preparation for the MCAS tests that occur in the 10th grade.”
The three upper classes, Grades 10-12, will be advised through the mail of their homeroom assignments. They are to report to their first day of classes on Wednesday, August 31 no later than 7:45am and they should expect to attend a full day of classes.
If a student in Grades 10-12 has not received a homeroom assignment through the mail, that student should contact the high school before Wednesday, August 31.
The state-mandated School Breakfast Program and the School Lunch Program will again be offered in all the public schools in Everett.
Breakfast will be served free to all students at all schools. Lunches will have a regular cost of $2.00 or a reduced cost based on need of $.40.
On the first day of school, all students will receive letters from the school to their parents describing how to apply for reduced cost or free lunches and will include the application.
Parents are asked to return applications as early as possible, and no later than Friday, September 9, 2011 this year. Parents who are not sure if they qualify to receive reduced cost or free lunches for their children are still asked to complete and return the applications to each child’s school. The principals of each child’s individual school will make the decision in that instance.
Accident Insurance for Students will again be sold in all Everett Public Schools during a two week period beginning with the first day of classes.
The insurance will be available for all students and may be purchased from Tuesday, August 30th through and including Friday, September 9, 2011.
“This insurance for students is sold at a very low cost because it is group insurance” Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire said. “I recommend it to parents because even though we work hard to provide a safe environment for learning for all our students, this insurance provides students with excellent coverage in the unlikely event of an accident, either in school or going to and from school.”
Students will receive applications for the accident insurance on the first day of school. Parents must mail or send back the completed application by Friday, September 9th in order to cover their children for the 2011-2012 school year.
Everett Police Chief Steven Mazzie reminds drivers using Everett roads that as of Tuesday, August 30th public schools in Everett are open.
Coming to a complete stop for school buses or vans when it is stopped with red lights flashing is mandatory. “Traffic must stop in both directions when a school bus is stopped to let out students” Chief Mazzie said. “Drivers who break this rule are subject to a $300 fine according to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90, Section 14, and the Everett Police Department will strictly enforce this law.”
“The $300 fine is tough for drivers, but the potential is there for having a much worse scenario if a car doesn’t stop” Chief Mazzie explained. “No one needs to be in that much of a hurry.”
Everett Public Schools will benefit again this school year from an exchange program, TRI-TECH Educational Collaborative.
This program was created by Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire in cooperation with Superintendent Roy Belson of Medford and Superintendent Dr. David J. DeRuosi of Malden to combine the resources of the three school districts to search and apply for professional development grants for faculty in mathematics, social studies and technology.
“This makes it possible to apply for grants together, because the demographics of our three school districts make us more eligible to receive the larger grants than if we stood alone when applying” said Superintendent Frederick F. Foresteire.
“We know from experience how tough it is to pull in grant money for our schools these days” Mr. Foresteire said, “but we have to leave no stone unturned in our search for funding. We have been able to save money and time when applying, and Everett has a better chance of receiving grant money in the future through this program, which will ultimately benefit our schools even if the grant award is shared among the three school districts.”
“We are doing everything we can to insure that in these uncertain times, Everett Public Schools will be here for the families of Everett…and that Everett Schools are STILL Everett’s Pride!”
This year’s Homecoming Celebration will be held on Saturday, October 15th 2011 and will again have a full day of fun-filled events.
The day begins with a full breakfast at the Everett High School, sponsored by the Everett High School Parent/Teachers Organization. A full selection of breakfast foods and beverages is featured and will be served in the Cafeteria of the new High School at 100 Elm Street from 8:00am to 11:00am.
Also will be the popular road race, the “Homecoming Hustle”, which will be held this year in the memory of Janet Connolly O’Neil, Peter J. Dolan, and Anthony M. Malione. The race will start at 9:00am and participants will assemble beforehand at the Recreation Center on Elm Street.
The Homecoming Parade will feature the Everett High School Marching Band and will begin at exactly 12:00pm (noon). Stepping off from Glendale Park, the Parade will march to Ferry Street, proceed down Ferry Street to Glendale Square over Broadway to Everett Square and then down to Chelsea Street to the Everett Veterans Memorial Stadium for the Homecoming Football Game.
This year the Crimson Tide will play their old rival, Xaverian, and the game should start around 2:00pm after the Crimson Tide Football Team and Cheerleaders of 1961 are honored as special guests, on their 50th anniversary of their undefeated season and Florida trip to play in the Orange Bowl against Miami Senior High School.