The photograph shows Everett’s Senator Sal DiDomenico posing with State Treasurer Steven Grossman at the State House last week.
DiDomenico and about 30 of his colleagues showed up in the Senate Reading Room for the unveiling of former State Senate President Tom Birmingham’s official portrait.
In all, about 150 movers and shakers assembled in the room – and there was our senator mixing with them, shaking hands, trading private conversations, and then going on to the next person.
“I am enjoying myself as I come to know this place,” Senator DiDomenico said during a brief interview in the Senate Reading Room.
“I really love what I’m doing. I have one of the best jobs in the world,” he said.
DiDomenico ‘s place in the senate didn’t come easily, so he has an appreciation of just how hard it was to get there.
Last year, DiDomenico and Cambridge Attorney Tim Flaherty, among a host of others, went at it in an expensive, hard fought, close campaigns.
In the final campaign, DiDomenico experienced his finest hour, beating Flaherty in a race where both candidates spent in or around $100,000.
“When I won that race, I was ready to come up here,” he said. “I never worked harder at anything in my life – and it paid off.”
Today, DiDomenico finds being in the Senate Reading Room as easy as walking through Everett Square.
“I am feeling more comfortable on Beacon Hill everyday,” he said. “We’re right now working on the budget which is a complex and difficult task given the financial situation we find ourselves in as a state.”
DiDomenico said he’d like to be in the senate for quite some time to come.
“I’m going to work hard and do the right thing for my constituents. That’s what this job is all about. Doing the peoples’ work,” he said smiling.
“I appreciate where I am in my life and I’m going to do everything I can to grow in the senate.”