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Eagle Bank Donates $10,000 to Housing Families

On April 28. Eagle Bank employees Christine Falzarano (pictured left), Vice President, Heather Wetterneck (pictured right), Assistant Vice President and CRA Officer, and Michael Falvey (pictured far right), Vice President of Commercial Lending and a Housing Families board member, presented Jim Goebelbecker (pictured center), Chief Executive Officer of Housing Families Inc. (HFI), with a $10,000 donation in support of their Homeless Prevention initiative and ongoing services for struggling families.  Founded in 1986, HFI offers transitional shelter units and affordable housing developments as well as case managers to provide career, education, and emotional guidance for families that are assisted through this organization.

Eagle Bank, Everett’s first community bank founded in 1889, offers a wide range of retail consumer banking services, as well as a complete portfolio of commercial retail and lending products and services.  As a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF), depositors’ funds are fully insured.  For more information please call (800) BANK-EAGLE or visit us on the web at www.bankeagle.com.

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