As advertisements go, the Eastern Bank’s television masterpiece using Everett scenes, Everett cheerleaders and football players to move the narrative of the advertisement is absolutely outstanding.
If you watch television, and most of us do, then you’ve seen the bank’s advertisement which relies on Everett people being themselves, which they are, and acting like themselves, which they do, and portraying themselves in a real kind of way that makes the advertisement a huge success.
The advertisement is colorful, alive, compelling and altogether, it appears that Everett was lucky to win the competition to be the subject matter that moves the message of the ad.
Not in this city’s modern history have the young people of this city portrayed the future in such a bright and shining way.
The Eastern Bank deserves a great deal of credit for producing such a fine example of advertising on television.
It says a lot about this city and its future and it says a lot of things about the Eastern Bank.
Great work, well done.